The Monthly Trick Circle

I lost them in my 20 new pages since you sent it.

Are you kidding?

Ok maybe only 25…

you know there is something called a delete button. It allows you to delete your pms after you read them and then you wont have so many pages.

But then I won’t have them anymore XD

yea thats kinda the whole idea :smiley:

that april mount is really cool, got a couple short moves out of it already :slight_smile:

resent it :wink:

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Well, the two faithful throwers have their tricks up.

Please Logi

? Lol, that was stuarttw lol. He resent his video to me.

sorry I thought I did it to the one that said put the vote up



dang, thats a nice lil tower combo stu

Paul’s trick is up!

Wow some sweet stuff in there

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Are you making this months mount?
PM me.

Voting is up.

New rules(if you don’t mind)
Winner of the month makes a tutorial of the winning trick.

That’s you 55379.

kinda forgot how to do last months trick. Hehehe. No really. I did forget. :frowning: and I actually liked the trick sorta