The Monthly Trick Circle

Did it.

Stuarttw’s video is up!

I think mine is the best jk

55379 made up this months mount! Go learn it!

And go vote for last months best trick!!

Stuart whites was awesome. Mine was hard to see

I voted for 55379 as a practical joke to myself lol.

I vote for Stuart white

Can I make a video even if I made the mount up.

You did make a trick didn’t you?

Why not!

He did a trick in the mount vid…

Nice mount 55379! I’ve already got a trick for it… I just have to make it look a little better…

Looks like I lost… this month’s will be better though 'cause I have more time…

you should have won. My trick sucked

So did mine

not as much as mine

^What are you guys talking about both your vids were really good.

no, yours was long mine was short

doesn’t make a difference. It’s the quality of the trick.

Length adds quality