The Mighty Flea - Awnsered

But think: how many CLYW’s do you have? Can’t you jut live with one? Isn’t having a bunch not worth $200+?
It’s variety, and fun to have them all. Same deal with the flea.

I’m not bashing you, your collection, or your opinion. All are valuable, for sure. And the flea’s definitely not for everyone, but he’d like to try it, and I was happy when I spent $70 on it. :slight_smile:

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Well, hurry up and pick one. I can’t wait all day to see a fight on the forums.

Thanks to yooldman, I realize there was another version…I forgot. This is a Flickr photo of the old one:

That’s really weird looking…

:smiley: We’re so used to seeing the newer one. But, it sure does look different, that’s for sure. I want to try that “Big Deal” too, if I can find it around. Actually, can we consider this a third version…or not because of the name difference and the stacks?

Tyler showed me this one. It is harder to use that than the new one even. My only problem with the flea currently is spin time.

And I will pay 60 buck happily.

Big Deal I would get. Simple because of the fact that the stacks stick out of the cup.

W(0)W lol, fixed. Those little words are sometimes the most important :smiley:

I agree, I want them all…all three versions. The old, the new, and the Big Deal too.

There are actually two “old” versions. The first run didn’t have the engraving on the side. I have one somewhere (haven’t seen it in a while lol). If I find it ill post a pic.

I have the first version. The one TA posted the pic of. I need to get the new one too, ldo.

Really good for dialing tricks. If you can do it on a mighty flea you can do it on anything!
My first yoyo believe it or not, and than I got a yoyomonster 3points and was in heaven :slight_smile:

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What tricks can you guys land on the YYF Mighty Flea?

– Ladder Escape Anyone?

Most of mine.

Mostly anything that’s not horizontal, grinds, or anything lengthy.

Same, but I use a PopStar a lot…

It doesn’t feel as small as it actually is when you’re playing it. Especially with the special mini string.

I haven’t tried one for a while so I can’t comment on that, but i have heard of very few landing ladder escape.