The Loop off! A 2April event powered by YYBC

Yeah I think I’m out but if anyone beats that it would be wild. Still a few more hours left

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I bet @Colerbird could do these loops for days! (all while dancing, eating sandwiches and staying hydrated) :muscle:

…Just had two solid rounds of single loops this morning. got 1,139 on one and 1,124 on the other! So close! I added more outside loops but my string tension still got out of wack. Need to add even more next time! If I have time on my lunch break I’ll try again, but, I think I might have run out of time…


my arm hurts just thinking about doing 1k loops…

I have a submission! taking forever to upload. cmon youtube!



lol ill count it as making the deadline bud. post the link when its done uploading. how many you get?

This thing is taken forever! Have no idea how many loops, ha ha. Figured i could get The video posted and count later! Hopefully it’s enough!!! :crossed_fingers:


Leaving us in suspense nice.

I have no idea how many loops this is.

Just wanted to make the deadline. Will count later.

Not my cleanest loops ever, A couple hiccups but kept it going. and probably could’ve done more but got called off on another important job! haha.

I hope there are enough loops!

EDIT - Counted - 1,548 loops


We will have to close this with an official count lol. Awesome way to end it. Good work everyone. I might have something for an unofficial second place for how much work yall put in.

I’m excited to see who won. Let the counting commence


I just watched the video all the way through for the first time. haha. I think I counted 1540. Might need a recount…

Also, a few loops got a little squirrelly in there, if anybody has issues with them def let me know! Like I said…not my cleanest loops, just trying to power through, having fun! :smile:

Edit- Recounted - 1,548


My brother attempted this, and I was going to post up his video this morning until I saw the 1200+ loops.
Sharing with you guys here since he made the video.
He didn’t know you can continue on the other hand if it kept going to he stopped where he stopped.

540 Total Loops


So we got a winner. Super cool @Joe77 congrats on the win. @Colerbird i got something I can send you for the dedication. I didn’t expect it to come down to the wire over 1k loops. Send me your addresses.

With that said Connor Scholton wanted y’all to know he could loop forever but at 10 minutes his leg started to feel a tad sore.

I’ll move this to YT later but it’s big file and I’m not near a computer today.


Yaa, Connor having an excuse for now :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::smile: congrats to winners. Crazy finish!


there we go this works better. Connor looping till he figured he did enough. No clue how many this is.