The last yoyo you threw

I love it.

But the last yo-yo I threw was an Avalanche.

You know I do

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My loved yeti.

Either my Projam or Vigilante, I don’t remember which.

YYJ Cerberus ;D not sure why this yoyo doesnt get much attention, it’s pretty good!


I was teaching 2 of my crew how to throw. Handed my Rally to one, and my Oreo Cookie Classic to another. They can both bind now, and one was even doing plastic whip to a bind. Since I was too lazy to reach for something else, I grabbed my ever-present DM2 and kept on playing.


YYF North Star


I just had two cotton string snaps in 20 minutes on it. It is weird because I was only doing stalls. I guess you shouldn’t trust 20 year old yoyo string :stuck_out_tongue:

No-Jive Optic Star.

yyf delrin severe for life… your argument is invalid ;D jk but seriously, that thing is awesome!!!

All about that Rally yo

Code 2 with a Blue die


A beautiful CLYW Gnarwhal

OD yelets w/ some sweet green spikes

Paduk Currier :slight_smile:

General Yo Majesty

My Clareview Station SUMMIT 8)

TMBR Turner