Turns out I did land it properly, I was just putting my index finger in the wrong place for the dismount… just did it correctly now pop’d off so loud when I actually landed it properly!!
Finally hit 2.0 Hook (before actually watching the tut ) Turns out practicing it really messes up my torsion tho…
Eli hops…kind of
I finally landed eli hops after hitting my hand About 50 times
Grid Iron just clicked. I don’t know what I was doing wrong before…
I just landed the 3.5 hook!!! I’ve only managed to hit it once.
Gridiron is on my list to try and learn when I’m better. Probably my favorite Paul Kerbel trick.
Landed the reverse 1.5 hook. I got some advice and am working on the -2.0
Throwhand Grind Bind
Sometimes a good measure of self improvement is how quickly you can pick something up. Case in point this bind, I attempted it a bit early last year when I was much less experienced and it came across as something almost impossible to achieve (for my then ability) however I pretty much got it within half an hour of playing around earlier today.
Come to think of it I need to invest a bit of time on learning some new binds so this is a nice start
@beeebon skybind!!! Learn that next!
Finally managed to hit Jade Whip this week. 100% the sort of trick where I thought “oh I’ll never even come close to hitting this”. Onward and upward!
@Fhqwhgads turn that Jade whip into follow baby! You’re half way there
Thanks buddy, been working on it!
finally got two clean rotations on yuuki slacks - Hopefully I can pickup where I left off tomorrow morning!
I just got Yuuki Slack down too! Only took me about…4 years in the making… I tried to learn it, got fed up with it and put it down for a long time. This was when I was still “intermediate” territory so slacks weren’t anything I really touched outside Plastic Whip and Ninja Vanish.
I think I might record it tomorrow now that I’ve gotten very comfortable with the trick in about a week’s time, after the trick just clicked.
finally landed black hops! only hit it once, but still pretty happy!
As promised, here’s my almost 2-week-old Yuuki Slack after not being able to figure this out for a long time…
@AngryGumball so sick! I’m finally getting the swings consistent as well - I wanted to learn this trick since I started yo-yoing again in January :')
STING for 5A May!
Three kwijibos in a row!
I learned kwij months ago but I’ve never been consistent with it. For whatever reason I’ve decided to come back to it these last couple of days and I’m getting to the point where I can land it consistently.