The "I Finally Landed It!" Thread

Oh butterfly for sure lol.

Yeah I’m just taking, is it Tom Kuhn’s himself? advice on keeping my mouth closed when I shoot the moon. The man lost his tooth doing that trick and I’m not eager to follow his footsteps lol.

Here they are, and once I finally land Yuuki Slack they are all consecutively executed. (Yuuki Slack, Brent Stole, and Flying Coat Hanger.)



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Lunar landing, a couple times, both hands (not simultaneously yet though)

Landed that Ernest Khan banger (palm grind bind regened into knee “slap”(? not really, but what else to call it?) bind. Not on camera for their mini contest, but still landed it. I strongly suspect I didn’t look as awesome as he did. Mine was probably more like “Wow, a regen that worked! Quick, get that second part in!”. Coz that’s how it felt. :wink:

After a year of yo-yoing, I have finally managed to somewhat consistently land Spirit Bomb. I can also do Ladder Escape now, but not very smoothly.
Meanwhile, I still have trouble with Kwyjibo. How am I able to land SB but not Kwyjibo? :smiley:

A great question. :wink: You worked harder at Spirit Bomb?

Heelflip on a No-Jive. (Opposite of a kick flip) I used the same technique.

It was much harder because of the timing, however.

I’m still waiting to see somebody Treflip myself, that Heelflip idea is pretty interesting.

lol I’ve tried a varial before. I’ll have to take some time to figure those out.

On a side note, I landed my first real fakie tre flip skating the other day. :smiley:

been back into yoyoing for a full year today
and figured i d post sth even though i accually dont have any new tricks

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^^^^ Dang. I’ve been yoyoing for almost 2 years now, in May…

Landed both of the new YYE tuts by Tylor… :smiley:
Also 5A One Handed Pinwheel…

Buddha’s Revenge… it took me a little while to learn the side 1.5 mount (still not too consistent with hitting it in 1 fluid motion), but the rest of the trick took only a few more tries. I’m new at this, so this one feels pretty encouraging. : )

Quadruple kickflip on my No-Jive.

inverted eli hops
moving on to horizontal

like the Japan style under your armpit inverted eli hops?

Pop N’ Fresh…
Having just learned Mach 5, this one wasn’t too bad.

And sorry if I’m dragging this thread down with my basic tricks while most everyone else is nailing some amazing stuff! lol

You’re not “dragging this thread down” man! Everyone has to start somewhere

Pop’n’Fresh is one that gave me trouble early on.

Share every triumph! I’d be cheering on people landing their first sleeper or trapeze!

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I had the same problem when I first learned it, I just couldn’t seem to get it all done in one motion no matter how much I tried, and I couldn’t for ages.

With enough practice however, I got the hang of it and now it’s one of my favourite mounts which I use probably a little too much. Just keep at it man, you’ll get there. ;D