The "I Finally Landed It!" Thread

Yes, I am hoping with practicing Superman to get a general overall better Kamikaze out of it. The only problem I really do have with it at this point is consistently landing on the Back String. I get the String Rejection everytime now. It’s not that I don’t land the Magic Drop in Kamikaze, it’s just hard to get it consistently to land on that Back String. I’m not going to lie, I am much better at doing Spirit Bomb than Kamikaze now and Kamikaze has been one of those tricks that looks amazing and feels amazing to do when you get them but they are hard to get down consistently. It’s like a 10 Kamikaze Attempt to 1 Kamikaze Successfully Landed Ratio. :stuck_out_tongue:

I had that same problem when learning kamikaze! Try landing the magic drop closer to your non throw-hand and pointing your NTH index downward a little bit and you should get it on the back more consistently!

Uuugh I am so behind schedule, I just learned how to properly land a 1 1/2 mount, took me a couple of weeks to do it.

There’s a schedule???

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Yah you gotta get on the straightened arrow…Gotta make your 1 1/2 Mounts, 1 1/2 Mounts and your Double Mounts, Double Mounts.

Finally landed a raytsh trick I’ve been trying for a couple of days, caught the first time on camera!

After a week of struggling with the plastic whip I finally got it. My kids heard my excitement and asked to see my new trick. I did it for them and they replied “That’s it?” :’( Way to rain on my parade boys. :stuck_out_tongue:


Welcome back to yoyoing Matt, welcome back.

(Just kidding, I’ve been off and on, just haven’t kept up to date on ANYTHING, like, at all, for the past… half of a year… yeah…)

paul’s halo slack fingerspin

Don’t worry. It took me months to learn the Split Bottom Mount. It also took me about 6 months to learn the Plastic Whip. Just have fun while learning.

I landed spirit bomb 1st time today 8)

I landed Suicide Gondola today. It makes me feel special knowing that I can make a little Italian Boat out of my Yo-Yo String. 8)

Ladder Escape

^Congrats on that one, I haven’t even started working on that one and it looks impossible.

I just realized I can’t do the latter-half of the expert tutorials
(can’t=don’t wunna?)

But Takeshi’s Chopstick Suicide wasn’t a challenge :^)

I’m really new to yoyo (just over a month) so everything is new for me. Last night I hit the Plastic Whip for the first time. I also caught the Trapeze and his brother slack trick several times in a row. Everything is still really inconsistent and loose but that will get better with practice.

It feels good to start hitting some tricks consistently.

Finally got Kwijibo! I’m no where near consistent yet, but seeing that double or nothing happen after a few days of popping the yoyo up and flailing while hoping for the best, I’m pretty darn happy. Haven’t felt this good since I got the rewind down.

Gotta practice getting consistent before I go outside with the regen to try the leg wrap trap

^Congrats. That’s the best most accurate description for the trick I have seen, “seeing that Double Or Nothing form”. 8)

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I finally landed Spencer Berry’s Enigma today after about 3 days of trying to learn it. Took a Space Cowboy full speed to the mouth the first day, had a bloody fat lip that is barely gone today haha. No pain, no gain!

Enigma is a hard trick. I learned it and then forgot it. I should re-learn it because it’s so cool… like Rancid Milk (which I also learned and mostly forgot).