The "I Finally Landed It!" Thread

Apparently you throw the yoyo very gently so you have time to tug the yoyo up before it fully unwinds. I can do this to an extent with regular loops and hop the fence etc but I havent even taken my time to learn regular StM. maybe is time to lube the narrow bearing in my classic I guess.

edit: wait I think i just landed one. no idea how that happened, maybe its the time at which you pull the yoyo back down.

Oh, I get it! Yeah, if you sort of slack (not fully slack, but sort of) and tug the string back early, you can get it to come back… I do this on missed binds sometimes. And then because it’s wound around a kink, the second one just comes back as if it’s tied to the axle… you don’t need to do the second special “early tug”.

Never thought of applying that to shoot the moon! Still a ways off, though. :wink:

After dinging the yoyo several times on the ceiling and/or my nose, I can now pull off the regen most of the times when I happen to get a straight shoot upward in something like a 1/10 chance.

also landed behind the back RIB lol

Cold fusion! It ended up being super easy. Stoked!

I felt the exact same way, its one of my favorite tricks now

So the trick I made up like 2 weeks ago and was the first one I’m really proud of is in Ryota Torigoe’s new vid, here, at 40 seconds into it:

Boing-e-boing! Finally! This trick has stumped me since about May. I knew I had to go up and down instead of back and forth, but i saw Black’s TED Talk, and when I saw how he did it, I figured it out. ;D

I abandoned that trick after ten minutes of attempts. 2 years later I came back and learned it

Landed a barrel roll but it’s not perfect cause I can’t keep a good momentum :v

So did you learn it from watching him or coincidence ???

Probably coincidence since he probably made it before the vid and before me

Finally figured out mach whip and the swingy variation thing from the yotricks tutorials.

Learned a few new easy ones; took minimal effort, so perhaps “finally” like the thread’s title isn’t quite accurate. In this case, the tricks were “Triple Magic” and “Ping-Pong”. Ping-Pong is really neat for impressing non-yoyoers.

I can now shoot the moon 10+ times on a raider. maybe is time to go unresponsive


Little variation on Triple Magic that I made this morning.

Lord of the flies variation and ALMOST Spencer Berry’s Enigma. Just need to figure out the dismount into trapeze.

Finally have a Pacman trick in my repertoire.

I finally landed the yoyo on the right spot to pop a blood vessel! ;D

Bass Line crash crash.

I can finally land in something 8/10 times when attempting a behind the back RIB, after developing a more reliable techniq of dodging the whipped string with my wrist or thigh.
However, I still only land a proper inverted triangle about half the time. In the remaining half, I land in red triangles, twisted inverted triangles and even uninverted triangles.