The "I Finally Landed It!" Thread

Which tutorial are you watching? The Vasek (slusny) one shows Jason Lee’s “finger swap” move on the NTH. André’s shows it all being done from one finger. The former struck me as easier and when I realized it’s the way Lee himself does it, that was good enough for me. :slight_smile:

Iwasawa Tower Laceration!

A tutorial might be in the works… :wink:

So far mostly the ■■■■■■■■■■ one. I’ll have to look up the Slusny one. Thanks for the recommendation.

Just watched the one you mentioned. I do not like it. No sir. Weird magic drop and weird tips for that last “through the triangle”. The hand formations don’t need to be nearly as complex as he makes them.

Nice dude! Just curious, do u have it down consistently? Also do u do it the normal way(around wrist) or slightly modified(I do it around TH pointer finger like a Hook 1.5)

I shall ditch it promptly and find another! Thanks!

A few chopsticks tricks I’ve been working on

I do it the normal way around the wrist and then slide off the slack to form the tower, but I’ll have to give the modified version a try too. And no, I don’t have it down very consistently; I’ve landed it fifteen or so times.

I don’t see anyone else ever do the modified version so I think of it as kinda my own XD just stumbled upon it one day since I couldn’t get the slack to go around fast enough for the normal ver.

To do this, whip it like a hook 1.5 but catch only the front string and move your NTH hand forward. Land in the middle. Boom. may take a few tries. You might end up in a Suicide 1.5 kinda formation but with a GT (I call it Brent Stole 1.5 XD) or in a trapeze n bro except with a GT… So you could find out how to make those consistent as well! It all depends on where and when you land the yoyo on the string.

Cool I’ll give it a try! :slight_smile:


This is by far the coolest trick I can consistently do. It took me 10 minutes getting the first arm crossing part down and another 10 minutes to get mounting into a double or nothing correct. Now, I can land this trick very consistently. Unfortunately, I seem to have problems landing this in dimly lit environments. Just like my boingy boing, when I try to show it to someone else…I fail. Hopefully, I can pull this trick off as beautifully as Andre does in the tutorial. He’s the best one I’ve seen perform this trick.

Triple RIB Stole ;D

Does that mean 1 extra wrap before the GT?

I thought it was 2 extra wraps

I landed that yesterday but I forgot to post it.

So… Does this mean 4 wraps total befroe GT?

1 wrap= RIB stole
2 wrap= Double RIB stole
3= triple
And so on.

Or am I missing something? I self taught myself this trick so I could be missing something but this is how it works for hooks and Brent stoles as far as I know

I have no official knowledge but I always figured that a vanillla RIB stole was considered one wrap already. Add one wrap and you have double, add 2 wraps and its a triple.

I’m trying to learn RIB Stole (vanilla) at the moment. Tough to learn, but I guess it’s one of those tricks that you can’t get until you start making it and then you’re like, “It’s so simple.”

I got it in 5 minutes this morning ::slight_smile:

Had to figure out how it happens by messing with the string and a dead yoyo, but was pretty simple after I understood the trick