The "I Finally Landed It!" Thread

Still the most annoying trick to learn I’ve ever learned :stuck_out_tongue:

But it was worth it :smiley:

With your tutorial and Yotricks it was quite easy haha.

Lasso GT

Landed a few fixed axle trapeze stall suicides today

Riccardo Fraolini’s silly-string rejection trick.
I don’t know what it’s called so I call it what it looks like to me.

Not even close to consistent yet, but getting more consistent.

Oh, and a few A Minus combos that I can hardly believe. Dumb luck.

I just landed I trick I have been trying to invent where do a suicide with the loop going around your throwhand pointer in a 1.5 mount

Been yoyoing for about 2 weeks and just got my Dark Magic II in and just land split the atom for the first time.

That’s called Suicide 1.5. It already exists.

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Niiiice, split the atom is a great trick. Makes you feel like you’re progressing, it’s impressive to non-yoyoers, and it’s not terribly hard to learn, even as a beginner.

Been throwing for about two weeks in the past two days I have landed and repeated Split the atom, brain twister, Trapeze, and Mach 5. Enjoying so much, the best hobbies I had in a long time.

I finally landed an Eli Hop! I’m working on getting more accurate with the landing. I’m thinking of doing something like trapeze -> hop up -> catch string across to make trapeze + brother mount -> hop up -> catch to make a double or nothing.

I finally did a few boings of boingy boing but when I try to show it to someone else…I fail terribly.

You should check out Black Hops. The trick you described is part of it.

After three months of trying, I finally landed Black Hops! Now to work on consistency…

I struggle with tricks like this where you have to manage slack very well. Still not great with Eli hops, but I’m pretty consistent with boingy boing. Keep practicing!


Still having trouble getting it every time though. I keep messing up the last through triangle! Not enough space for my Code2 to fit through. I am going to switch over to a smaller through and see if that helps. So far I have landed it clean about 4 times.

:slight_smile: Cool trick after you get the feel for it.

More like “I finally tried it!”

Pac-Man. :wink:

Needed some more simple fun tricks.

May i suggest Plan D? It’s another trick made by Andre and it definitely shows with all the nice technical flowy movements involved. Plus it ends with a Pac-Man which is pretty cool  :). I found this trick to not be too difficult but so fun to make smoother

I’ll add it to the list. :wink:

Wasted opportunity not making the Pac-Man go “nom nom nom” at the end!

Where has that trick been all my life?

I gotta learn that!

I cannot get the swinging motion down on that last throw up through the triangle. I’ve never once gotten it cleanly through the triangle, much less landed it afterwards.

One day…