The "I Finally Landed It!" Thread

Aaah, I see my problem. I still can’t figure out exactly what’s going on yet. I’m a slow learner.

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I saw the video and went, “OH, that’s just the same motion as that frontstyle bind I do. Easy!” and then utterly failed to know which string to pull at what time and which string to aim the landing for, etc.

Watched the video again, went “Doi, obvious!” then back to the yoyo.

Utter failure again.

I think I’m in the same boat as you, yooldman. :wink:

I had to YouTube “vanilla RIB stole” to see what you guys were talking about :smiley: Not to brag, but I learned that one 3 years ago. It’s tricky, but so is rocking a rhyme that’s right on time :wink:

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Maybe I can help? How close are you getting? What segment would you say you are having problems with?

  1. Overwhip
  2. Overwhip and catch with non-throw hand/finger
  3. Hands cross
  4. Landing in the triangle

As for all you youngins learning things in 5 minutes, don’t worry. Time will take care of that. Check back in 20 years and let me know how that is working out for you. Then I will be impressed if you are keeping up with the kids 15-20 years younger than you learning new things. Then just making the motions to complete a trick will hurt. :smiley:

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#2 I feel like I’m OK on the overwhip, but I can’t get the catch. I’m doing something wrong and I don’t know what. I tried taping it to figure out what was happening, but it looked like I was having a muscle spasm. :wink:

D3 to Double gt

And a laceration to lord of the flies to laceration to double lord of the flies to double gt

Yeah, I’m stuck there, too.

The only thing I can think to suggest is to try make sure that your hands are parallel when you catch the yoyo. The segment of string that catches the yoyo is doing all the work for you.

Your throw hand starts the whip between you and the yoyo, but that motion should transition in front of the yoyo in a fluid motion. I’m not sure how much you should focus on that last part, because I didn’t realize I was doing it until I watched my own film in slow motion.

its possible to do a zero wrap RIB with proper string tension when you bounce the yoyo up and undercut with TH right away , just that it looks awkward when done alone.

Brokenhearted, learned from Ann’s new tut. Trick by AntMan (Anthony Ma)
Also landed D3 to Hook 1.5 and D3 to Iwasawa Tower
Gentry’s 2013 Nats regen to 4point star/shuriken

Fixed axle rejection to green triangle, and rejection to fake GT.  ;D

After months of work I was able to land Plastic Whip. Unfortunately I miss it a lot.


1.5 mount rejection to GT tower

wat is a GT tower? Any vids for ref?

GT is the initialism for Green Triangle.

I can’t tell if he meant green triangle, simply tower, or some new green triangle/tower thingamajig.

I’d also like to request video so that I can learn this too!

I’ve been doing tower GTs since my 3rd month of throwing. They’re pretty simple.

GT Tower? Do you mean something like an Iwasawa Tower formation?

Quadruple RIB Stole. I still have to hold my breath while I do it haha.