I support your bump
love this pic @AKYOYOMIKE
This is my wooden progress so far not the amazing 5A beesting @EOS44 iis throwingn, truly beautiful!
But im pleased for now.
Just reintroduced myself to the yoyo this month after a long hiatus — perusing these forums makes me feel like Rip Van Encino Man. Yinz with your fancy fixed axle play (as well as all of the rest of the As) are leaving me x . Right now I am just chuffed to bits that I finally am almost able to do Trapeze 1/2 the time on purpose with this new fancy new throw:
What else have yinz been brewing up in 0A land?? Surely the pandemic has led to some additional killer moves?
Stay safe, everybody, and keep posting!
One of my favorite threads that you bumped, lots of good stuff in this one. You may also fine some more 0A in this one as well;
Legends never die.