The Definitive Guide To TryCatchThrow@'s Replacement TMBR Axles

Believe it or not, there is enough to know about the purchase and operation of a TMBR replacement axle that I thought it would be useful to have a small guide.


The TMBR replacement axles currently come in two sizes, the standard and the slim. Both feature the same 2.2mm gap, but the slim has shorter caps and threads. The full stack of the regular axle comes out to a 34.7mm width. The full stack of the slim comes out to 30.1mm wide. There may be other sized TMBR caps and axles out there. Here is my best breakdown of which modes work with which axle. This list is not exhaustive, and these yoyos were all hand made and have some variation between them. For example, one person who bought a replacement axle for a This-A-Way, That-A-Way found the slim worked better when my This-A-Way, That-A-Way was my model for the initial regular sized axle.

If you are unsure about fit, it’s best to stack your existing axle and measure that way. If you have halves but no intact axles, the threads on a regular fit half tend to be 14mm+, while the slims tend to be 12-13mm.


  • eH - everything except the PockeHt
  • Morrow
  • This-A-Way, That-A-Way


  • PockeHt
  • Wood-z

Left: Slim. Right: Standard

How to Install a TMBR Axle

I have a specific methodology that I use. You may try other methods but I have found this one works well for adjusting fit and putting less stress on the axle. I use this method both on my replacement axles and on originals.

  1. Insert axle into first half to where it sits just below the half.
  2. Insert cap into first half and tighten all the way down to a tight fit.
  3. Insert axle into second half to where it sits flush with the half.
  4. Insert cap into second half until it hits a loose fit.
  5. Holding the first half with one hand, and the second half and the loosely fitted cap in the other hand, turn the loosely fitted half to tighten. It should only tighten about a 1/8th turn or less. It should not be much.

How to Remove a TMBR Axle

  1. Hold both halves and fully unscrew the axle from one half.
  2. Remove the cap from the detached half.
  3. Holding the open axle threading, loosen the axle from the half. Remove the axle fully.
  4. Remove the remaining cap from the second half.

How to Tune a TMBR Axle

These axles are being inserted into handmade products and some times the fit just isn’t there in a particular installation, and can lead to undesirable play feel, or can lead to the halves being askew.

My preferred placement for the inside of the axle is just below the wood surface of the inside wall. You should be able to feel the difference between a primary plastic and primary wood response. If you feel a primary plastic response, the axle is protruding slightly from the half. It’s perfectly OK to play it this way, but when I’m playing wood I prefer the softer wooden response feel, and would probably tune the response.

In order to tune the response, use the ordering for inserting and removing above, being conscious of the fact that you may need to completely disassemble the yoyo to adjust the half you want. Adjust the fit by turning the caps 1/4 turn or less at a time, then reassemble.


I recommend you use cotton string with your TMBR replacement axles.

Thanks for checking out my guide. If you have other information you would like to know, questions, comments, or concerns feel free to DM me.


The TMBR replacement axle, as the original, has a slot to help remove caps. This slot should only be turned by the widest screwdriver or other object possible, otherwise it can easily become damaged (as can the original). My preferred tool here is the flat edge of a guitar pick.


Heck yeah! Cant wait to test it out and compare!

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Awesome thread

I made some similar a couple years ago. I found the flat head screwdriver slot to be a little weak and easily damaged (just like the wood ones). If you are having an issue with durability maybe try a Torx pattern instead. Good job @TryCatchThrow


This looks so awesome! Great work, Keith!!!


Thanks! I’ve been thinking about improvements like changing the slot to a Philips head or even bumping out a hex head on top of the cap. Torx is a great idea; I think it would be less likely to strip the plastic.

For the first revision I decided to keep it to the original form (which I agree were a bit weak if you used a smaller than slot sized bit). I have been mostly hand tightening TMBRs with either an original or replacement axle and haven’t been having any issues yet. The only time I’ve had an issue was the first time I tried to open my first TMBR :grin:. I could also easily print a key for this one…


Now that you have the axle design figured out and printed, have you ever considered 3D printing a mock TMBR? Or using the axle system for your own designs?


I have not gotten that far. I’m still mostly designing fixed axles with glued in wooden axles. I do feel that a metal axle capped with nuts and a wooden axle sleeve is probably a more reliable system and would give better opportunities to experiment with response. That said I don’t have a source for axle sleeves, so I guess maybe?


Ohh, like a no-jive system? That would be very cool as well.

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This is amazing! I’ve been reluctant to throw or even open some of my tmbr throws because I don’t have any spare axles in case they break.

I’d be very interested in picking up a couple of these if you ever sell any.


Yeah this is awesome :ok_hand:, I also appreciate the use of a wooden axle as that will be a big part of play feel. It would also be cool for a bearing option as well.

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I do not immediately know how a bearing would work but I guess I could think about it a little…

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This was a cool conversation and project to watch.

Total time from inception to testing was what 48 hours?


About that. I think there’s still more testing and iteration to do yet, but that might be the perfectionist in me speaking.


I didn’t know if I should bump this, but I’ve edited this post as a definitive guide to my TMBR replacement axles to help guide purchasing and installation.