My first real video
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Comments r welcome.
- Enjoy
Haha, I think that would mean u liked it
I very appriciate it.
Anybody else?
Great video is all i can say. :o
Thanks Sam; and cream for complement my hair
Very good, i liked it.
cool tricks dude!!! loved the crazy ninja vanish tricks!!!
sorry for this… but i gotta give some criticism:
the backgrounds got a little boring… and the yoyo went out of screen a couple of times. and the tattoo on your left arm is also kinda like a blemish that distracts me from the awesome tricks that are happening.
also: i officially challenge to a hair competition!!! may the best hair win!!! 8)
Nice, what yoyo? I don’t like the part in 0:25 when are you looking to camrea it looks scary xD
Yo, thanks mang.
hey hey hey, critism isn’t a bad thing. I wouldn’t learn anything about this if i didn’t got any critism.
First of i wanna say that i don’t really see the lack of background-difference as something negative. I I recorded my vid with almost the same background with some small differences here and there to make my video a little more consistency. U know, it have kinda like the same feel to it the whole way through.
The yoyo wnet out of the screen a couble of times, yeah i know. But hey, u DID see what was going on, right? off course i know it’s silly to say something like that, 'couse it’s a matter of the overall quality we r talking about now.
… Tattoo u say?, Can u say “marker”?
Thanks. It’s a DV888. Scary u say? i would rather call it a bit stoned
- I am