The 2019 World Yo-Yo Contest Thread

Thank you for finally posting something about this. The Gentry memes were funny at first, but that was because it was a joke to me. Yet this person went too far though. Gentry did deserve the win. We can clearly see his improvement and all the effort he had put into his routine. People get too salty about their favorite players not winning.


I find the lack of appreciation of who places higher at contests comparable to how non yoyoers are more impressed by Eli hops than a complex tech combo. The reason judges are highly skilled yoyoers themselves is you have to be to appreciate some of the finer points of evaluating freestyles. When people get upset about who won or placed high I think they are saying more about themselves.


Straight facts


I know I’m late to the party on this thread but have my thoughts.

Well done to Gentry. Congratulations!!! Not that he needs my input to validate himself.

I believe there are 2 factors to the dislike that is shown towards Gentry. There my be others but these two stick out to me.

First one I find funny but I feel is a bit true. People are jealous of his looks. Let’s face it he looks like the member who was kicked out of the boyband for Yoyoing too much. The networks are not lining up reality tv where yoyoing attracts the opposite sex. I am amused that my mind put that together but do feel there is a bit of truth to be found there.

Second, this one I’m going to get bloody on because I feel as whole no one likes this idea. People are upset with Gentry because they can’t identify the reason why but feel the growing pains of the sport. The IYYF will eventually take the sport to Olympic/Ice skating/Gymnastic style of venues.

I ask how many of us have watched the videos with non yoyoers and pointed out great tricks along with “oh” that was a mess up. Much like my wife does to me when watching Ice Skating and Gymnastics.

I feel Gentry and Evan are ahead of the game in mapping their routines to achieve maximum results.

Now before I’m ripped to shreds, will the YoYo world come to end, the sun stop shinning because 10, 15, 20 or more years in the future if Yo-yoing is on Tv where you are with your kids or grandkids watching a little more water downed routines but polished and filled with player movement that is entertaining to the viewers.

Well as Forest Gump said “that’s all I got to say about that”


I think your first reason to dislike him is actually why my girlfriend likes him :joy::joy::joy:



(Character minimum)


:stuck_out_tongue: lol


I apologize for long post, I forgot to take into the account members with the attention span of a tweet.


Dang you absolutely destroyed a couple people there with that roast, but fear not! Your words are not mudamudamudamudamudamudamudamudamudamudamudamuda!

  • an aspiring jojo fan lol

In their defense your reply was almost unintelligible towards the end and I’m not even sure if I got the point.


Where’s my trickcircle shirt @YoYoExpertGarrett :frowning:

Also, are more YYE shirts coming anytime soon


#trickcircle shirts will be online soon along with new black yoyoexpert logo shirts.


Picked one of these up at worlds. Easily my favorite yoyo shirt that I own.