it’s nice to show gratitude, but I wouldn’t do it publically, beause if they can handle a few requests like this one, I doubt they would be open to everyone and his cousin asking. YYJ are not the only brand who does stuff like that. But personally I don’t post stuff such as this one because it may lead to more people asking therefore potential problems to the brand (either they say “yes” to everyone and start losing money, either they say “no” and start losing popularity)
my 2cents here
I’ve had similar gifts from other great brands, for charities, events etc… and they all got their gratitude emails and messages, but nothing in public.
@hadoq; I’m kind of torn on this one. I feel like YoyoJam should get a pat on the back for this. The community should know that they’re involved with this kind of thing. On the other hand…are their voice mails and e-mail in-boxes going to be full by Monday morning, or what? ;D
I seriously doubt that “everyone and their cousin” could be able to justify such a donation. It’s not every day that someone goes on a missions trip out of the country.