Thank GOD! :) (Continue My Offstring Journey!:))

Thank’s God!, i found a store in my place! → (

they sell Hayabusa SL & Hayabusa Opaque & Other Duncan Yo-Yo’s And Yomega’s…


  • What Is The Difference Of Them Two?
  • Which I Better?
  • Which Of Those Has The Wider Gap?
  • Is The Rims Made Of Plastic Or Rubber Edges Like Aquarius!
  • Is There A Thing To Maintain In Hayabusa?
  • Is It OK to clean the bearing?, the lighter fluid/mineral spirits system thingy…
  • What Lubricant Will I Put On The Bearing After I Clean It?
  • Is It Need To Put Friction Stickers?

Help 4A Guys!



Hi Matthew!

To answer your questions:

  • What Is The Difference Of Them Two? Both use rubber rims. But SL has softer rubber rims, so the haya will bounce more when it hits the floor. The normal one will also bounce, not as well though.
  • Which Is Better? I would say preference, but i’ve never tried them :o I’m just using info from my general knowledge ;D
  • Which Of Those Has The Wider Gap? Same thing.
  • Is The Rims Made Of Plastic Or Rubber Edges Like Aquarius! Rubber!
  • Is There A Thing To Maintain In Hayabusa? The bearing i guess. It uses gap friction response, so you won’t need to change friction stickers. If you want, you CAN put stickers on it though.
  • Is It OK to clean the bearing? Yep, just dry the bearing before putting it on the yo.
  • What Lubricant Will I Put On The Bearing After I Clean It? Depends on what you want. Most probably thin lube, but you might wanna put thick lube for response.
  • Is It Need To Put Friction Stickers? Nope, you can just use the gap response.

I hope i answered your questions :wink:

yay,you are back,I am so glad,I thought you would never come back,anyway,rsmod123’s answers are all you need,exept for th lube thing,you dont really need to dry it after lubing but you do after cleaning. :wink: