Tell Me About The Yoyorecreation Draupnir and Laser

I just bought the 2 throws. (I am still paying for the Draupnir, but you guys got the idea) Can anybody tell me about them? I know quite a lot about the Draupnir, but don’t know anything about the laser. #BestChristmasEver ;D

The draupnir is a very light and fast yoyo that is very “competition” designed. With a low wall, lots of fun weight, and a v profile. Its extremely fast and nimble on the string which allows players to feel more control over those quick competition styled tricks.
The Laser is a more “well rounded” player in that its not quite as competition styled. It has a more rounded shape and has a bit more heft to it making it a more “everyday” sort of throw. Of course, it is just as well balanced and agile as the draupnir , just a different sort of animal :slight_smile: