Takahiro Lizuka's Laceration X???

lol even in high speed it just ridiculously hard. i just don’t know which string to catch
Can anybody explain it?

Do you know how to do the iwasawa tower first? That’s a big part of it.

Actually nvm, it’s not as hard as it looks. You should probably know how Iwasawa’s Tower works though, that could be helpful.

  1. Alright. It’s an over-whip.
  2. Make the gun shape with you freehand.
  3. Whip the slack over your TH, making sure the string closest goes behind your thumb. The farther string should hit your pointer.
  4. Move the string attached to your TH under the yoyo and thread it into the gap.
  5. The slack moving over your FH should have enough string to swing under and go around the yoyo on both sides of it, landing the yoyo on the string attached to you.
  6. Curl your freehand pointer in to grab the string that was on it. Then pull it through the two strings going around your thumb.
    (Keep your FH thumb pointed up so the string doesn’t fall off.)

That should be the whole process. It’s a difficult whip, but not bad once you know how it works. I just hit it once already.

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thanks dude, thanks A LOT extra emphasis. big applause to you.
lol to he honest i’m still working on my iwasawa’s tower, i understand how it works, but this one is even easier lol
just hit one already

thats hard