^^^ That’s solid advice. All would do well to heed it.
Actually, I initially transferred the money to Raigo via PayPal but he said he couldn’t withdraw it to his bank account due to some limit. He tried to get around this limit by sending me some payment requests using his and his brother’s PayPal accounts but he still couldn’t withdraw the money, so he asked me if I could help him pay for his stuff because of some impending deadline. I believed him because:
a. He seemed to be having some genuine trouble. We’d tried PayPal four times and it just didn’t seem to work.
b. He was an old member of the forums who had posted quite regularly.
c. He had no negative feedback.
d. I’ve had positive experiences on various yoyo-related B/S/Ts so far.
I guess I misplaced my trust. The limit was probably fake, and the fact that he had two PayPal accounts should have also raised some warning bells. For all I know, he could have faked his technical difficulties with PayPal. Based on his sales thread, it seems like he had the intention to scam all along by “selling” the Draupnir to two people. I’ll be more careful next time.
Ive actually ran into this issue before. If your not active all the time with paypal they will impose a withdral limit for a week or so. I sold some stuff on ebay not too long ago and was unable to get my funds out of pay pal into the bank for about a week. It really made me mad. haha
Still super sorry it down south…
Someone should ask him if he has his draupnir still up fs. If he says yes, spread his personal info. If you cannot get your money back, make him never able to go to a contest.
Follow this advice for every single transaction. Even if you have to pay a little more to cover the business fee via paypal, it worth it.
its not cool to threaten to hurt someone even when they scammed someone. hurting anybody is never ok.
that being said, he acted like a dingus. that’s not ok. he allegedy sold the draupnir to two people, meaning that you’ll probably not receive your draupnir. $360 is a lot, maybe enough to get the local authorities involved, if you can find his address and provide enough proof that he did, in fact, scam you and another guy out of $180.
Was anyone threatening to hurt Raigo?
Not physical hurt.
By “blowing up” i meant of course to flood with spam emails, real life phone calls, or what not. not actually explode-go-boom. I dont wnat anyone to get hurt period, but I do miss the days when “the bad guys” could have their emails bombed making them unusable.
I would plaster his name and address everywhere! Here is an idea for the OP look up his address and look for his neighbors and see if you can get their phone #'s and ask them to take him message. Tell them his phone isn’t working. Don’t say the real reason because they may not want to get involved. Also, ask if they know where he works. I know this stuff works because I was a bill collector and skip tracer.
Ehh, doesn’t really matter since Karma isn’t real.