
Yes, I totally stole the song and name. Enjoy:

As always very nice ;D ;D It looks like you grew 3 inches since your 5* vid, I love your Bad A&& Hatrick, keep up the good work. And the boys you throw with are happening also. I live in the wrong area of the country I guess :cry:

I thought you were working on 5A?
It was still a good vid but i was expecting some 5A from you


samad. You are awesome.

gogogo… you are awesome ;D

Lol i thought the first guy in the vid was samad, i was like whoa he looks different, he got shorter or somthing…But i kept watching the video, ohh nevermind, the other dude is samad…LOL

Awesome Video as Always… ;D

Despite my siggy, pwned.

Such flow we like that over here!

err… are or the people you?

Yes, I am all three people.

LOL… the second guy you see in the video is him.

Great video, by the way.

you look so different. but nice moves :wink:

new hair

Its actually the same hair I had last time. It just got longer.


Rofl Jason.