Sunset Trajectory review

The Sunset Trajectory yo-yo is great!

The average spin time is about 14 seconds, but who cares about the spin time. It is great for looping.

                  Sunset Trajectory specs:

Diameter…2.24 Inches
Width…1.41 Inches
Response…Double O-Ring
Weight…51 Grams

              Pros: Like I said before, it is great for looping. Great for beginners to experts and anyone in between! :D

              Cons: Doesnt have good spin time, but it doesnt matter.

Could you tell us how it plays, can it be used for 1A, responsiveness, stuff like that?

sunsets cant be used in 1a because sunsets have a narrow gap which makes it hard to catch by the string

Please don’t bring up old threads. Thanks!


And yes… It can… Beefcake it…

This post is so old.