Summit shape

Is the summit shape an exact model of the avalanche with the cascade? It almost looks more like an Arctic Circle which is more to my liking.

The arctic circle shares the same catch zone as well.

Same catch zone as the summit or the avalanche?


It looks like the Arctic Circle’s catch zone to me, although it has a lot from the avalanche.
I am getting a summit on monday, i will compare it to my arctic circle and i’lll let you know.

I am getting one today I will post a pic with my cascade, summit and avalanche.

The Avalanche and Artic Circle have the same shape, it’s the cup of the yoyos that’s different.

Was just Bout to say that
Same exact shape
Different dia
Different cup

I think it looks and plays a lot more similar to the avalanche then the arctic circle.

Guys I owned a summit the cal states run and I own a Ava at the same time. In my option it’s a Ava with side effects, with the weight of a cascade

But lemme change something

It plays like a wider, more comfortable Avalanche.

ummm well, I like my Ava much more than the summit