what type of string is better? does yye 100% poly work ok?
string length?
how to place the string on the yoyo? for 1a its 1 loop, 2a is… 2 or 3? or a knot?
new strings or old strings work better? when should i get new strings for looping?
There is no “better”. It’s just what you like.
100% polyester will work, but it will hurt your finger where the string is attached. Cotton or 50/50 is softer, and more gentle on your hands.
The length of the string is balanced with it’s thickness and the gap of the yo-yo. It TOTALLY depends on what you are using or what you like.
I just use one loop around the axle. 2 or 3 work OK with a Speedle, but…
New strings work better, old strings break. Play a pair of strings until they break, and then use subsequent strings for a shorter time than that.
Cotton seems to resist tension problems longer than poly to me. Doesn’t last as long though.
i like to use polyester.
You want string that makes the yoyo more responsive for 2A. Poly isn’t good for that, but it is good for everything else. I think 50% cotton and 50% poly is the perfect string for 2A IMO.
When i throw a forward pass, the yoyo kinda sleeps on the end for a second or two and comes back. i thick lubed this already, 1 loop around the bearing
I have found that the string usually breaks at the finger loop. If you inspect the string where the loop grabs it you can sort of tell when it’s going. It is constricted to a thinner diameter at that point. Also, if you listen as you throw you can hear the individual strands snap when they go. Once that starts it’s time to switch.
What yoyo are you using? I play my raider w/one Duncan sticker. You could go w/two loops on the axle.