String color & selection

I was thinking maybe have a 100 pack of just a random variety of string colours? like basically just a grab bag of string.


This seems like a pretty good idea. I like it.

when i make string for myself, i use light and dark color, but try to avoid colors that are unbetween. i use both ends for a good contrast between the ground and the string


He’s wanting Andre to sell s mixed color bundle of string. I’m not sure what you are referring to.

more brands of strings like g string, ham string, and ect.

I second this
I could go for some kitty string.

I agree on more selection of string. I’d like to see solid color type 8 string, namely in white.

I think Slick 8 should be stocked. That string is so amazing for 4A and 2A. The only time I don’t order from yoyoexpert is when I need slick 8 and stocking it would fix that problem.

I mostly use slick 8 myself. But I think we’re in a minority…

I like slick 8, but I never really got around to buying more. I don’t think it’s that small of a group of people, at least.

I’m game for slick 8 too.

I love the idea of a grab bag. It would help me be more decisive when buying new string, it would also let me test out colors easier without being committed to 100 of them.

That would be a best seller. 10 different colors of 10 strings each. Even for a couple of $$ more people would still jump on that first

I agree. This is one of the more legitimate ideas I have heard in a while. Great idea man.

good idea

That is really random.

Back on topic, this is a great idea. :slight_smile: