(Stricklin Strings), (Ultra soft, ultra smooth)---NEW thinner type (and OG thick) available

It’s a Labour Of Love. How long do you think they last in play?

Some longer than kitty, not as long as pure nylon.

Which makes sense I suppose, given that they’re a Poly/Nylon blend.

I used to really like nylon, but I started to realize how the lightning fast whips were absolutely KILLING my slack consistency.

These strings whip slower than pure nylon with the addition of the polyester.


Hi @nightshadow , cool to hear the details on how the strings are made and why you made them. A few questions since I think your skill/experience level is good:

From my experience, nylon strings and some blends get those axle winds where the string gets under the loop somehow much easier than poly. Is that just my bad torsion/tension management, bad bind technique or ?

It seems like a lot of more skilled yoyoers like thick string, but for me thick string is always too grabby. And I’m not doing tech with a lot of wraps, but doesn’t thicker string make that more difficult? I understand the need for some weight in the string for controlling slack and getting it where you want it to go, but the other factors always make me go for the normal weight string. For reference I’d say Kitty FC Fat is about the thickness I mean by “normal weight” and classic Kitty Fat is more truly “fat” (and about as thick as I’d ever typically want), nothing thicker than that ever feels right to me.

Preference obviously is subjective, but just wanted to hear your thoughts on those things since you apparently notice and care about your string.

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Hey man, thanks for the questions!

I haven’t noticed this with my strings. The main time I’ve noticed this is with pure nylon strings that whip through the air very quickly. Often with whip binds the tail moves so quickly, somehow it wraps around itself at the end and makes a knot.

These crazy fast whips in pure nylon is why I included the polyester component of these strings. They don’t whip too much faster than regular poly strings, and I haven’t noticed more axle knots than usual.

Yes, this is absolutely as factor. And these strings are quite thick. This is why I say they’re definitely not for everyone.

With practice, I’ve can do all my multi-wrap tech stuff with them without any issues now. I’ve found this to be minimized by shortening the string a tiny bit. Just like an inch or less.

However, thicker strings are always going to be grabbier, and have the tendency to get wrapped up prematurely when there are multiple string loops around the bearing.

But, as I say, they’re a definite taste.

Let me know if you have any more questions.




Strings are being packed.


All batches are packed up. They will be shipping out tomorrow.

I’ve gotten requests from both YoYoExpert and Facebook. I tried to prioritize giving the users from the forums two strings if possible. Still less than the original three I was hoping for, but the sheer number of responses was much larger than anticipated!

I apologize if you only got one string, it was random. I felt pretty lame sending out just one string, so I also included some kitty first class.

If an envelope didn’t get two of my strings strings, I tried to use one of my cool Harry Potter stamps as a small consolation :smile:

Looking forward to these getting into people’s hands!

(The first of five batches)


All giveaways for United States addresses have been shipped!


String came in today.

I can tell there was a lot of love put into making these. :ok_hand:t2:

Can’t wait to throw these strings around!

Thanks again!! :grinning:


Oh, I can kinda tell from that image that I’m going to like that. I really hope @nightshadow goes into business. I have a feeling I’m going to want more.


Short initial 10 minutes of throwing review. I like it.

Will need to throw more to gather more thoughts


I got my samples the same day I got a New Avant Garde in the mail.

nightshadows yellow string is Great…

The visual impart of the strings thicker look, would make you think it might cause drag or make a yo-yo a little more responsive?

But although the string ‘looks thicker’, it is misleading because the thickness is more fluff than actual ‘measured thickness’. Kinda like a marshmallow. Hold one in an open palm/close your hand and it makes the marshmallow a lot smaller. (Pinch the string with both hands about 2 inches apart. Twist your left fingers counter-clockwise and your right fingers clockwise and the string closes down to a more technically accurate diameter.

The string has some bounce to it… kinda like a fluffier Cloud string. That little stretch really helps on hard throwdowns because the yo-yo doesn’t clunk when it bottoms out.

Another thing that fools you about the fluffiness factor, is it ‘looks’ like yarn and probably will be too light for whips and lacerations… uh, incorrect again. As long as you control the tension, you can move this string around like a neck chain.

By watching the apparent skill level of Robin, I should have already known he wouldn’t want to pass around samples of an Apple pie a few steps short of a good recipe.

It can move at a fast pace and is very easy on the fingers compared to some of the stuff I’ve used lately.

Usually for me, some of the harder/harsher string recipes, play very well and that seems to be the trade off. The string isn’t that comfortable or easy on the hands but it plays so well, you just shrug your shoulder and pay the Toll.

Robins’ formula, provides a number of positives without wearing out your fingers like a scroll saw.

If he starts selling these, I will jump on that order button with both feet…

Obviously, at this point of play, I can’t give any thoughts on how well this string will play over time: if it will get fuzzy or the bounce will die or simply age quickly, etc?

But since Robin has been working with this formula for a considerable length of time… and he has a tendency to play like a Madman, I’m thinking each string will have a good service life.

If everybody that gets samples is even half as happy with the string as I am, than that would be a good thing…. A very good thing.

Thanks Robin


I can’t get over how much I love these strings, I was lucky enough to try some a few months ago and have been longing for another opportunity to play them after I used my last one


Super glad to hear the positive first impressions as the first people’s letters arrive!

Of course, if anyone has any suggestions on how to improve, don’t hesitate to post them here.

One thing I will add, as anyone who’s trying will realize: the life span is not all that exceptional.

It’s not BAD, it lasts longer than kitty before it starts to go downhill, but it’s not going to be one of those pure nylon month long marathon strings.

But I really wanted to prioritize softness, medium whip speed, and coil count as much as possible.

Once you start aiming for a longer life span, at least one of these is going down the tube.

Again, the life span isn’t bad, but there are other boutique strings that last longer.

Just wanted to throw that out there.


I missed these but they look and sound amazing! I will be watching closely for the next opportunity. Ever thought of starting a mailing list for those with continued interest to help gauge demand? Sounds like many will want to jump on them any time you have a batch available


Edit: I’m not a string pro lol these are just my personal opinions

Mine just came!

at first look, it looks super thick, and has a realllly nice looking tight wind.
I strung up my iCEBERG with the white fat Kitty first class string it came with so I can compare
I usually use ots fat, so both of these strings will be new :stuck_out_tongue:
The Kitty string was pretty good, it felt tougher than OTS at first, and higher friction making tricks like 1.5 Eli hops wayyy harder to do, and giving me slight string burn since I wasn’t using a glove.
However, binds feel super good, as the string is the perfect thickness (the pads are decently worn down too tho)
Slacks and whips felt fine, I kinda suck at them but they felt decent.
Laceration binds and other slack binds felt a Tinsy bit grabby.

Putting on the stricklin string, it already feels SOOOOO soft, and I really like soft strings, and this especially just feels super nice on your fingers.
I’m getting kinda nervous as it’s super thick, and I’m worried I won’t be able to do any binds without a lot of adjusting my form, but when I started using it, after the first throw, the binds were 100% fine, and felt less grabby/snaggy than the Kitty string despite being way thicker. Also: OMG THIS STUFF IS SOFT. I looooove how soft it is, it’s perfect! The only downside to this is it being hard to feel, especially if you’re wearing gloves, but you don’t need gloves with these.
Whips and slacks are also AMAZING.
I suck at them, but with this string I’m already better :joy:
tricks like boingy boing, and any type of eli hops variotion feels soooo smooth with how soft and low friction the string is
I love this string so much! Thank you @nightshadow!!

So if you need another string to review @theendofcake

Oh also it looks amazing under black light!!


Super excited to hear there are some things about the string you like.

Thanks for the post, and enjoy!


So I don’t have a hard core review like above but so far I’ve noticed some thing. I like how soft they are yet full and not so loose like some soft string I assume the number of coils plays a factor. These are solid very well made and feel premium and if you told me they were zipline I wouldn’t question it as they are of the same level of quality. (Totally different string but same level of quality good string)

As for play it’s different. Admittedly string is string and all string plays similar enough in the right hands but to me the string feels a tad heavy in play. Not sure if I’m describing that right. I like it I’ll probably buy some if available.


Glad to hear it seems like the quality is there.

Definitely understandable. I think this probably manifests itself as the string carrying a little more momentum for slacks and whips than a pure polyester?

I designed the string for myself, and I have weird preferences, so what I like might not be for everyone!

Personally, I’m allergic to the feeling of trying to get a whip done and having the string move too slowly, like a spiderweb in the air. So what I went with may end up being a little TOO far in that direction for some folks. Totally understand that.

But, in my experience, the string still plays lighter than the whips of a pure nylon string.

I’m going for somewhere between regular poly and pure nylon as far as weight and whip speed.

Thanks for the feedback and enjoy!


I’ve been slinging this string for the past few days and it’s delightful. It took a short while to break it fully, but feels so good once it hits that sweet spot. Soft, but still has a desirable “chunk” to it, being so thick and tightly wound. The feel is something between a full nylon and a full polyester, falling more on the soft/nylon side. I usually go for strings that are slightly thinner than this, but I may be converting after playing with this bad boy. As mentioned previously by others, slacks and whips are just :pinched_fingers: thanks to its thickness, and I have yet to get any significant amounts of fraying after a solid 3 hours of play on the string.

10/10 would purchase if these are ever sold to the general public!!


I’m sir glad to hear you’re enjoying! Thanks for the feedback, and be sure to let me know if there’s anything you’d want to see improved on/changed.