Story behind "Brent Stole"

Does anyone know the story behind this trick?


No idea.



lol - yeah - this link is correct. Alex Berenguel invented it and referred to Brent taking the trick from him.

With that said - Brent was a pretty amazing freestyle player so don’t want everyone to hate on him. Brent’s name is misspelled at that link too - it is actually Dellinger. He was one of the best freestyle players of the early 2000s. And the SpinMaster X by iYoYo was designed off his signature yoyo originally by YoYoJam. He always had great choreography and timing before that was even forced as part of the current judging system. :wink:


What did Brent steal?

:joy: Did you read the thread? The trick is called “The Trick BRENT STOLE From Me At Nationals”. “BRENT STOLE” the trick from Alex Berenguel.

This reminds me of the time at Worlds that I forgot it was Alex’s trick and I whined to him that Brent Stole was the lamest, most overused element in yo-yoing. And in typical Alex fashion, he was like “…yeah… I mean… I do still kinda like it.”

WHICH reminds me of the time I said something similarly derisive to @AndreBoulay about Ladder Escape… and he just punched me in the jaw, which I had to have wired shut.

Kidding. He said about the same thing as Alex. Yo-yoers are really nice. I apologized.


No, I didn’t see. I was skimming


Ed, of all people, you should know that @AndreBoulay is the Chuck Norris of the yoyo world. If he had punched anyone but you (who are equally Chuck Norris) in the jaw, that person would likely be the first in space without the assistance of a rocket. :smile: