Step up and add to it if you can do it!

Palm grind bind

Coming to VA states or MAR this year?

i WISH :confused:

Going to try to get my parents to take me to VA states… its in my town so its really close so they might take me, if everything goes as plans Ill be there… COMPETING

I tgink he was asking me xD

Well there may not be a VA States. Either MAR or VA States. Samm Scott is running it this year, so I guess it’s up to him. But MAR might be in Richmond, because YoYoJoes shut down.
But anyways, let’s start again

  1. sleeper
  1. Smack that jojo into a split bottom mount.

Throw it over your throw hand shoulder

  1. Seasick

Whyd you have to say seasick im out now

  1. Over/Under Boingy Boing


  1. Frontstyle Oliver Twist

I honestly did not understand a word of that

can we start over? im lost

  1. behind the back breakaway

Iwasawa tower whip.

I’m out…

1 Like

Put the yoyo in the top part of the tower for a GT…

Idunno if that’sbpossible! I gotta ccheck