*StatikZ* Yoyo Team

Welcome to the StatikZ Yoyo Team Thread!

First off, I would like to explain what we are about. Jack and I are 13, we live in Iowa, and we both have a great passion for playing with yoyos. We have played for about 2 years now and have decided to take it a step further and get involved with some other people that have been playing and are looking for a team to join.

Instead of trying to join a professional team we decided to make a “Semi-Pro” team where everyone could join freely, share tricks, talk, and pretty much become a small yo-yoing community. I feel that this will help improve our yo-yoing ability, get more people involved (knowing that they can be part of something), and better the sport.

So now you’re just begging to know how to join right?
To join all you have to do is email Jack or I your application and we will add your name to the thread and give you the link to our website. My email is Tristandog@gmail.com.

For the application please include your name (first name is required). Your skill level (for competitions), why you would like to join (to see how we are helping), and what we can do to better the team (we are always open to improvement). Comments are welcome also.
Being an active member is important. We will not kick you off the team unless you have shown that you cannot handle being on it. There is absolutely no flaming, putting down, and absolutely no crushing dreams! Though criticism is allowed be nice even when you mean to say “You didn’t like something”.

To be active you can participate in chats, video contests, trick contests, and just be a part of it all. As for travelling and t-shirts and things, they may come in the future but as I stated Jack and I are only 13 so money is limited. I hope this will not be a factor. Video competitions work just as well.
We will be waiting for your application! Join StatikZ Today!

The link to the website is http://rasta14515.webs.com
To sign up use this link http://rasta14515.webs.com/apps/auth/signup?next=

As off December 10th we have 18 members… We would like more so please think about joining!




Sixth Grade buddy, hes pretty awesome

You may know him, pretty good at tricks

My best friend, Gets all the cool yoyos

Lol we just engraved this yoyo. And he did pretty good for not sleeping at all that night.

Little Kid

Really kewl kid. He dont yoyo though

Kelton S
Frick’n Crazy (phsyco)



Jacks lil bro

You all know him

has a speeder




Team Yoyorock

Yoyoman 13





ROokie Yo




The music on the site is becoming an isue with some people. I just wanted to point out that to turn the music off all you gotta do is click the jukebox in the chat box, or turn off your volume.


I checked out the website and it is pretty good, one improvement i would make to it would be the backround. it kinda drives my eyes crazy. (i’m pretty sure I am not the only one who thinks this.)

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Agreed with the background, If you want to pattern your name try something bigger.

Otherwise I like the site and I love what you guys are doing.

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Lol i know what you mean, it hurts me eyes to lol. But i just started in on graphic design and im still getting the hang of things lol. Thanks for the comments.

Pretty cool, But please cut off the music, I hate that song!

Lol it will play more than one song dummy haha. :stuck_out_tongue:
and i changed the background to a more apealing bg. Checkit out

Very nice! I think I might join but I live in Illinois. :’(


No biggy, we can do video competitions as well as real ones. And we have an online chat, forum to keep everyone involved. We are also thinkin bout team shirts and yoyos lol.

i just noticed in the pic i made, statikz is spelled staticZ, i did a wooopsie lol

Ha ha! I’ve never heard anyone say “I did a woopsie’s”

Making yo-yo’s is hard work. Are you sure you have all those machines for just 13 year old’s? It’s easy to make shirts but the yo-yo’s, you need pro’s.

They wont be useable lol, just kinda like a icon of being in the team. They will be wooden and we will make them with a lathe

About to say that :wink:

Making a Wooden yoyo on a Lathe is fairly easy. Well, easy isn’t the word. It requires a TON of talent but it much easier than a competetive yoyo.

ive made one before so i think we can do it

yeah we can for sure lol… Hey Guys Start Joining.! lol

Just posting our stats lol: We have 11 members after 2 days. I think thats fairly good. ::slight_smile:

Hey, I’ll join later because i have no yo-yo’s yet. I traded some of mine so i’m waiting for those to come in.

what about that G5 in your fave yo-yo spot on your profile

join. We added a forum

Start Joining!

Welcome our 2 new members! Katie and Spencers Yoyo Practice
