sounds fun but that’s REALLY far away. XP
Celebrations V and VI were in Orlando in mid-August and it was just horrible, drenched in sweat just walking from the hotel Anaheim in April is going to be heavenly, and with both Rebels doing well and a new movie in December the stars should be out in force (pun intended). I’m lucky to be in a position where I get to hang backstage at the autograph area.
duhhhhhhnnnn DuuuuuuhhhhnnnnnnDUHHHHHNNNN
For English I get to watch the whole entire star wars series to learn about a heroes journey (such as monomyths and epic heroes)
Star Wars and spaceballs in one thread? Did I just find my spirit brethren? Lol
Right?! Super happy post
The only thing is that I hate yogurt, even with strawberries