I thought it was good… Yes, it was a little cookie cutter, but it’s better than Ep 1 2 and 3 imo.

You missed a few points. Finn lies that he is rescuing Poe DAmeron because “it’s the right thing to do”. You completely missed that the pilot (Poe) catches his lie and tells him that he know he just wants a pilot to get out. Finn admits that right in the movie as well. So that point isn’t true

  1. That’s the whole point. We have to ask ourselves, why did Luke leave? If you caught any of the dialogue at all, Leia and Han talk about him and some situation between their son Ben and Luke during their training, and after some incident Luke would not teach any more younglings. He made a map of it because he knew that when the time was right only one person could “wake up” R2D2 and get the other side of the map, ensuring that the First Order or KYlo would not be able to get it.

  2. EVERYONE cares where he was. He was the only one strong enough or experienced enough to repel the new Sith/First Order. The rebellion also needed him. The long meandering map was to make sure that only the right person would be able to get it, hence Rey.

  3. BB8’s Design? Beats me. :smiley:

I’m a hugeeeeee SW fan and was so excited to see the movie. I thought it was great. I’ve seen all the movies and read a lot of the (no longer canon) books. But if you are a huge nerd, you can catch some really HUGE spoilers/hints for the next movies in SW Ep 7, including who Rey is/why is she the chosen one.

First of all: if you haven’t seen Star Wars by now and still get mad about spoilers, then you deserve for the movie to be spoiled. There is a grace period of about two weeks, then I will openly talk about the movie because you should have seen it by now.

Now, with that out of the way, I enjoyed the movie greatly. I hate how people are getting super mad about it being similar to Episode 4 in many ways. I enjoyed the parallelism to the original and how it associated itself with that one rather than the prequels. It most definitely set itself up for a great next two movies in the new trilogy and I know that the next movie will not mimic Episode 5 in any significant ways. Sure, Rey will get trained by Luke, but there will be so much more going on than that and I’m not even sure if Rey will be able to get trained by Luke for a long time as they may get interrupted.

I dunno, I’m super hyped for the Rogue One and Episode 8.

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Return of the Jedi was the best Star Wars movie to date, however this movie was straight up amazing. Seeing it again!

Said no true fan ever. AWAY WITH YOU, HEATHEN!

Yeah, attack of the clones is obviously best

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I think this response speaks volumes about the lack of critical though when it comes to these scripts.

  1. That exchange with Poe is actually totally ambiguous. You believe that Finn risked his life to “Save a pilot”? The reality is that the motive for risking his life to rescue someone he has never met, for a cause he has no connection with - is totally glossed over. The only implication that makes any sense is that it is the “Force” that makes him do it. That actually makes sense but was totally un-explored in the script. It is this lack of coherent explanation of this motivation that I find difficult to understand. Why even have that conversation? Why not just say “I do not know?”.

  2. How is it “the point”, to ask ourselves questions that are never answered? Ambiguity is not a literary-tool, it is simply poor writing. “Some situation” is just that - some situation. Hardly a good use of a story line.

  3. MOST importantly - why is Luke even a good Jedi? What qualifications does he have to be a great Jedi? What has he done again? Fought Vader, his father, once? Wow…

Oh yeah he trained under Yoda. You know the last great Jedi leader that:

 a. Presided over the destruction and murder of the Jedi Order.
 b. Failed to recognize; or even sense the future Emperor - a student of the Dark-Side of the force who was in his presence daily.
c. Failed to sense the ingrained dark-intent of the Clone army to murder all Jedi.
d. Left Anniken's Mother as a slave when the Jedi could have bought her contract out and made Anniken happy during his training. Why did the Jedi leave Anniken's mother in slavery, to fend for herself - and give Anniken the opportunity to torture himself over it?  Ridiculous.
e. Failed to defeat the Dark Lord in the final combat between the two ("Failed I have").

If Yoda was a real leader, he would be deposed.

What this all points to is a really poor-script. This is something that is becoming a feature of this franchise. What is worse than poor writing? An audience, who does not ask questions or dare to think for themselves.

I thought the rescue of Poe was obvious… Finn was aware there was a rebellion pilot captured, and to flee his role as a First Order trooper (I assume they can’t just file notice and quit) he needed a sympathetic pilot to fly him away. Poe was the only option…!

I’ve seen it 3 times. It definitely delivers the goods!

Can’t wait for Rogue One.