Speeder with double starburst?

I’m about to buy a second hand yoyo. The Speeder was said to be in good condition but instead of the hybrid response system, the o-ring was replaced with another starburst. How well would it play for an intermediate to advanced player?

I don’t think you can replace o rings with star bursts…

they guy switched halves I presume.

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Yeah that’s it, the previous owner bought two yoyos and replaced them, you get the idea.

So how would it play?

ive played a double starburst speed maker.
its pretty good, snapy bind, less stag, and really loud. :slight_smile:
everything else is just what a speed maker should be…

I am not sure how it plays, but a dual-starburst system might not be that good, as proven by the Yoyojam Patriot.

If you can spare $10 plus some for shipping, there are modders out there that can remove those pesky starbursts and dual silicone it for ya.

mrcnja is really good at that too!

Thanks guys, I might just ditch that secondhand speeder and get me a DM. Haha

wanna sell it?