Spank You Very Much Helpy Helperton!

I just wanted to throw a big Thanks out to the Yoyoexperts on here. I’m still new to throwing and, though I don’t post a lot of technical questions, I read a lot of them and benefit from the answers. I was on the verge of thinking I’d never get past trapeze when, this weekend, I learned two cool new tricks and how how to string three or four of them together in a sequence. I threw till my throwing finger was raw and then i taped it up and kept going. Made me very happy.

Also, thanks for taking the time to answer the non-technical questions I do post. I’m forever curious about what goes on inside the heads of others who become addicted to things like this.

Bonus points if you can name the movie this post gets its title from.

I guess there’s a good reason André names out eXperts.

Ace Ventura!!!

yeah this site is awesome! i put a question up and 2 mins later a have 5 anwers lol!

oh and not to be picky but the quote is “Spank you, helpy helperton” however i will let you off haha!

You’re welcome :wink:

Haha, welcome to

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