Spacers (again)

Hey guys,

I am on the verge of ordering a c3 ghost and I am thinking about ordering a couple of extra spacers.

Here are the available options:

As I have no experience with spacers, can somebody make a recommendation?

Is it better to have thick or thin ones? Do thick ones make the yoyo go responsive?

What is the difference between regular and steel spacers?


everyone i know at a higher level seems to run blue just for maximum gap and still be bindable for longer combos

Thickest= widest gap? Does not seem reasonable.
Should be the opposite, right?

How do you figure?

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If the spacer is thick, bigger, there is a smaller gap left? Is it the other way around maybe? Like half spec and c size bearing?

If the spacers are the thickest, that pushes the bearing out further and make the largest gap, with less string touching the response system.

Can confirm ryan conolly uses blues in his unlimiteds

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I see. Thanks. Will order the thickest then. Maybe also order the second thickest available.

Is there a difference between regular and steel one though. For some reason there are 2 different kinds available.

not sure on this one tbh

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I am curious to see how will all that work for 5a.

The steel ones have a tapered outer edge so they’re easier to remove and less likely to get stuck in the yoyo.

Unless you’re planning to use your Ghost IX for 4A I don’t see much of a reason to buy extra spacers, but if they’d give you extra peace of mind, then just order the thickest option. Anything thinner will make your yoyo play responsive/extremely snaggy, because you’ll be going down to a 2-3mm gap width compared to the 4mm+ gaps of modern unresponsive yoyos.

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I would only go for any other option as blue if you like thin string. I have one setup with very thin iYoyo slackies. The smaller gap works great especially for any air binds but if you use any “normal“ string stick to blue.

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I usually use fat string. Sochi Phoenix, P44 medium, and kitty fat. I do not do 4a at all. So blue or steel thick it is. Right? Also, since spacers are impossible to get in europe (gonna make a special order this time), I would like to have some spare ones just in case cause a direct order from china would have huge shipping costs.

I am also in Europe and normally order from iYoyo but I mostly use iYoyo for 4A. Maybe you can send them a mail and check if they are compatible. If you use thick string definitely use the thick spacers. And if you do not like the response better adjust the pads to something softer or harder.

I am in contact with another retailer from Austria. The picture above is the one they send me in order to make up my mind. In general I prefer medium to medium snappy response. Since this is a particularly wide yoyo, i thought I 'd ask the gang first.

Yes preferences are different for sure. I just think spacers are more for 4A where you really want to fine tune. But give it a try and let us know what you like for 5A.

From what I have been told a yoyo will not work without spacers if those are part of their original design.

Given the dimensions, Ghost ix is a unique throw and I would like to try it. Maybe a birthday gift for my birthday in a few months.

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Just an idea if you have an half spec bearing you can try how you like it. These you can normally order cheap in every country for an euro on eBay or something comparable (Part name R188-2RS)

yea i, and everyone i ask seems to use fat.

And my UNLiMiTED’s came with blue spacers pre-installed

I have a flat bearing Not in use since 18 months. I dropped responsive and never looked back. The bearing was not that impressive to begin with. (Sage yoyo). So nah… :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks though.