#70 Kyo Senza Nome.
Near mint, very nice yoyo. binds are slippy, but should be corrected if the Dif pads are replaced with Kentaro pads.
Aqua SB Dv888.
A few dings, one long rim mark, plays incredibly smooth.
Blue Aquarius.
slightly bent axle, probably can be corrected. Normal 4a wear and tear.
Orange X-ConVict.
This is gonna take a lot to get from me. One of my fav throws.
Normal vibe that I can’t tune out, few scracthes.
Trans red FH2. 2nd gen.
Mint, no pads.
Stock PetterFish Luminator.
Mint. Light orange colour.
Stock 2nd gen Mosquito.
Mint, green.
Offer up! Feel free to make money offers also. Pics coming tomarrow.