Some mods I wanted to share...


I have been modding for a while but it occurs to me that I never post anything I do, unless I am trying to sell it. In an attempt at sharing more of my work I present…
A Duncan Trans-Axtion. I took out the original guts and recessed in a Medium Bearing Buzzon SPR Kit and used one Gummy pad. To add weight to it I put in FH2 weight rings. Now it weighs 64g. I think that is well within the “playable” weight range. The recess is clean and the yoyo plays very smooth. If you arent used to slimline yoyoes it can seem “challenging”.
This is one of my favorite playing mods I have done. It is a FHZ that I single pad recessed with once again a single gummy for response. I lightly satined the whole yoyo for a smooth grinding surface without removing the shine of the plastic. I made custom cap art which I placed under Ballistic Caps. With a ceramic KK bearing this is one of my finest playing plastic yoyos.
Next is a dual pad recessed FHZ I did for cobrajs. It has thick Gummies on each side that are recessed flush so if he decides to put thin Gummies in they will be deep recessed in for even less responsive play. When I gave it to him he sent me a PM saying there was something wrong with the yoyo. I immediately started analyzing what it could possibly be. Then I read it and he told me it played too good and his other yoyoes were being neglected as a result.
Another mod for cobrajs I did was a pad recessed Renegade. Same type of setup as the FHZ above. I did not smooth out all of the starburst because i didnt want to take too much of the bearing seat. It plays nicely. Win with a side of yup.
Finally I have a series of Sil recesses cobrajs wanted me to do for him. I took a group shot because the recesses are the same in all of them with the same black sili. I show you the vertigo FH2’s recess close up because I was especially proud that I didnt jack up a vertigo FH2 and you can see well how all of my sili recesses turn out.

That is all for now. Certainly not done modding and absolutely not done sharing.

Thanks for looking. See you next time.

can you mod my duncan throw monkey? how much will it cost.

It depends on what you want done to it. PM me what you are thinking and we can go from there.

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