Some Like It Hot (MFD contest vid)

This video is originally for the MFD Lesula competition, but I figured… what the heck, maybe you lot would be interested, too!

What you won’t see here are jaw-dropping combos.

But what you WILL see is a guy yoyoing with gloves and cold-weather clothing on, a dog, and if you look closely enough, a cabbage patch doll. At only 1 minute long and with some fun editing in store, the risk of boredom is low and the chance of a grin is high (I hope!).

That was a fun little video. Unadulterated joy! =D


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Thanks, Yuki! I can do some trickier stuff, but mainly I wanted to have fun learning the MFD tricks. Some day I’ll bust out something fancier and edit out all the mistakes so that I look like a boss. Looking like a boss in one take… probably not too soon… :wink:

I only ever do my videos in one take. I have neither the skills nor the patience for meticulous video editing.


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I’d rather have those skills ^^ than the skill and patience to edit video. It was my first time editing a video, so I had to learn those skills on the fly. :wink: Better to just be good at yoyoing, lol.

As it turns out, I sort-of-tied! They chose another winner first, but then decided to add me as a winner also. So I give the true victory to Andreas, but I’m still pumped that this video got enough love to warrant their follow-up decision. And I’m pretty keen to get my hands on that Lesula now!

I did grin during that video GregP ;D I could only imagine how even a competition player could do those tricks with those giant gloves on lol, so Bravo Sir! I would have to say that the video was very unique and would most likely stand out during the contest, so I think you have a good chance.

Thanks, Genji! The contest is already over and there’s a Lesula on the way for me. :wink: Glad you enjoyed the video.

Gloves were pretty tough in general, but the toughest trick was Tunnels, which requires slipping fingers out from between a bunch of wraps without messing it all up. :slight_smile:

hahahaha XD this video made me laugh so hard! those faces and celebratory moves hahaha, adorable husky btw! good stuff GregP! I enjoy watching older throwers! they know how to keep it fun! us youngins are too cocky and try to hard! great video man keep it up buddy!

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Will do, will do. The hilarious thing about self-image is that I watch the video and see 17-year-old me. Meanwhile I’m pushing 40. :wink:

That husky is my boy. Well, not counting the 2 human boys and one other canine boy. :wink: Speaking of being old, I threw my back out lifting him for that shot, though I’ve lifted him up plenty of times (much to his embarrassment) in his life. I’ve had a weak back for a while now and should have known better…

One thing’s for sure. I’ll never be throwing down with the youngins, so if I can’t be competitive I might as well have fun! Thanks for watching!

I have back problems too man! I broke my T9 in 7th grade playing hockey. but hey dude, you can never be too old to have fun!

What yoyo is/are he/you using? ??? Is it a Yomega Maverick? (the one with the neon green string and blue yo-yo)

That one would be an Avant Garde. For lack of an MFD yoyo onhand, I tried my best to cycle through pretty much everything else I have so as to not focus on the yoyo itself. I believe most of the takes that made it to the video were the AG, a Capless, and a Wrath.

DUDE!!! You got runner up and won a MFD Lesula! Congrats!

Woot woot!
