Can anybody give me some info on this? Location? Date? If they’re even having it this year? Etc.
Any info would be well appreciated! ;D
Can anybody give me some info on this? Location? Date? If they’re even having it this year? Etc.
Any info would be well appreciated! ;D
i took a peak at this but theres not much info about it.Its in sacramento at a park in may something ill look for the site and reply a link to it.cheers hope to see you there. ok this is da link.peace
He said socal, not california.
Thanks for your help, but I ment the Southern California Yoyo Contest. The link you posted is too the California State Champioships.
so cal probably will be at a place near morongo
im going to the palm desert one hope to see alot of new yoyoers there im hoping to see and meet alot of you guys :]
Does anyone know what kind of stands will be there I meen I was at blc and dxl does anyone think that the stands will be simillar?
whats is the socal competition website?
Yeah, we need the name of the website to upload our music and register!
See you there!
(just to let you know, i’m winning the open division this year)
I’m gonna make fun of you when/if you don’t.
And for the other question, read the quote I just posted.
Well, it says she’s gonna update the website. Would you happen to know what it’s called?
Thanks! Any info for this is extermely apreciated!
(just to let you know, i’m winning the open division this year)
I’m gonna buy you an icecream when/if you do.
And for the other question, read the quote I just posted.
Well, it says she’s gonna update the website. Would you happen to know what it’s called?
Thanks! Any info for this is extermely apreciated!
I’ll get you sprinkles for the ice cream if you win
I’ll be there, most likely.
I’m Going.
I’m Going.
same :]
really need the website for the competition kkk bye