So I want to 3D print a YOYO

Already looked. It seems they didn’t have long metric screws like that. I was in a rush though.

Go to a hardware store, not home depot.

On the other hand, maybe change your design to use a shorter axle. Don’t know any yoyo that uses an axle that long. Or change your axle selection to maybe a #8 or #10 screw size. Those are readily available in 2 in. sizes.

I just found it. The 2 inch M4 screw. At Home Depot. Remind me to not trust the employees word as fact. They literally searched there system for it, and did not find it. I spend 5 minutes today, and lookie there.

Anyhow… can I get a picture of a hubstack disassembled? It would help.


I did search it. Twice. Thanks. Does anyone know the size of that bearing? Is it a Size C?

It looks like it.

hubstack bearings are size A

No it’s not. It’s Size A i think they call it.

… well… I might just use a size c. It’s on hand. Here are updated pictures

This is the body itself without the weight ring.

It’s quite cool. I will have it printed probably by Thursday. Tomorrow we are going to try to add a few things before printing one half to test my bearing seat design. We think it will be fine… but I am worried.

I think we posted a few times that 3d printing the bearing seat is probably not the best idea, it’s just not the right material. I wish you luck with it, but don’t be surprised if the bearing seat chips/cracks with use.

Bearing post needs to be held to a few 10 thousandths of an inch. You stated your machine was holding either thousandths or even maybe hundredths. It’s not even close but with all the other inaccuracy I don’t think it will matter. Either way it’s going to vibe a lot.

Looking forward to seeing the results.

Yeah i understand that problem. I am ordering a metal seat today. Can you suggest one that is an actual full seat? The ones suggested seemed to be spacers. Or am i just… not understanding them.

… you know, I am being a idiot. I am going to reuse the interior of of my Yomega Yomods pro. Its metal with spacers and all. And its commonly available. I just hope it wont take to long to remake the Yoyos insides.

You’re not understanding them. The Yeti uses the YYF spacers.

here i go again jumping into this mess, but the spacers act as a bearing seat, it also makes it easier to print because you just print a recessed flat surface.

… and the Yeti is… a good YoYo?

Most think so…

Actually there is a filament like this. Its made by colorfabb. Look it up, they have some pretty cool stuff.

Well… expect the unexpected. Our main printer at our school just went down, right before my turn to print, so I was relegated to a new Makerbot replicator. It has failed printing 5 times now, but I am… at least was getting closer. Here is the final print.

The internals almost worked. Thr spacer didn’t quite fit but could probably be forced. It looks good.

Now if only the other side looked as good.

What could be causing this?

I think I know… I think I left the central pinion… or shaft slightly off the ground. It’s not a problem for a printer that can print supports, but Makerbot doesn’t have support matter. It uses the same white stuff for all prints

What can I do? Help?!?