Sad news, love my Crucible which was hand swapped by @chaosgow. Best 7075 “ting” noise ever.
The float is so good. Terrible that he won’t be making yo-yos for a while.
nooo @chaosgow
Was always considering buying a Float. Might buy one soon considering that they will probably be extinct in the near future. Will definitely do so if I get my dream job at the interview I have on wednesday.
This seems to be the state of small yoyo communities atm. They are more of a hobby than a practical money-making business, so I entirely understand closing shop. It’s better than companies that go AWOL and nobody knows what happened.
Yeah you should get one ASAP if you are interested.
Yea I;m sorry. I will continue to make small runs of yoyo designs, but I had to knock Smashing on the head.
It’s been a real pleasure working with Andre. Words can’t express how supportive he is. (YYE is also getting a handful of Titanium Floats, so look out for that)
This is because nobody liked the birthday splash, isn’t it. I LIKED IT!
At the end of the day, you come first. Im glad you are taking care of yourself to better yourself. Im sad to see a YoYoCo go, but I understand pretty well. Much love and best of luck to you and yours Smashing. Maybe our paths will cross in the future, maybe not. Either way, thank you.
Let us know how it goes. Good luck.
Still 14 of them in stock on YYE, if it looks like that number is precariously dwindling by tomorrow, I might. Otherwise ill probably only buy it if my interview goes promising. As motivation and such.
I also really liked the bday splash. Colourful and happy, like a birthday should be.
Birthday splash was 100% on point my man. I loved it. Your colorways are always (makes chef’s kiss gesture). Sometimes, people have no taste! Here’s some other birthday splashes…
(I will say a yellow base is gonna be a hard sell in general. But yellow birthday cake!!)
Hope to try a smashing - never threw one - I hope everything will sort itself with a little attention. And that you come back refreshed and can balance it. Thanks for being an important part of the community.
Sick halfswap!
Very cool… Ritter? Makes me want a milkshake and cake!
Fun fact, the Monopoly Man NEVER had a monocle! Mandela effect everyone!