ive played a small bearing bassalope before and loved it. how does the large bearing compare?
Probably just a less powerful version
SBs seem to have much stronger spin
Still looking for more responses
I played both and enjoyed the LB much much more.
SB seemed more solid to me and was a lot more grabby. I just didn’t like the feel at all. If you enjoyed the SB one that much then get a LB one and I’m sure you’ll still like it. They’re a lot harder to come by these days, though.
I like the SB version A TON better. Seemed to spin for ages longer, but the LB version was less grabby.
I prefer LB throws so i did like the LB Bassalope more but the Sb is really nice as well. Either would be a good choice
SB Bassalope played circles around the LB version, for me. Between the grip, power, and superior stability, it was an all around good time.
I’ve tried an SB version and I think it was one of the smoothest throws I’ve ever tried. It had a one pad response and once it was broken in, it did not feel grabby at all. Due to the smaller bearing and gap, it had a little kickback but it no way affected anything on the throw at all. This thing spun a really long time.
from what I’ve read the Bass was completely built around the SB, it wasn’t like Chris just threw in a SB on a whim. I personally would rather have SB solely because that is how the throw was intended to be.