Sick binging

I watch fresh prince every night

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One of these things ain’t like the other


Oopsies :skull:

i watched the first episode before and liked it, i just hadn’t made it back around to finish. the goonies was, is, and probably always will be my favorite movie!

thanks anyway and you have good taste :call_me_hand:i grew up watching that show

No disrespect. I got into Fresh Prince later in life, but that show is still hardcore 90s and am personally hella nostalgic thinking about it

Just sit back flip on Disney plus and start watching all of DR who. It’ll be a bit but you’ll enjoy most of it probably.

Or Star Trek just pick your preferred era

Are we back at nick at night in my teenage years along with re runs of Gillian’s island and I love Lucy and didn’t George Lopez have a series for a bit.

Travelers was a fun show, severance is pretty neat excited for next season. Uhh idk my brain is forgetting more things than I can remembers.

Screw it find eureka and watch through that

:100: Fun, dumb show that’s the perfect example of Murphy’s law


Anyone here into severance?
Just rewatched the first season for the second coming out

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I definitely recommend “Atlanta”.

BIG doctor who fan. i have all of the 2005-present seasons. capaldi is my favorite with matt smith a strong second. just started on some classic who last week

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Wow! I rarely meet anyone who likes Capaldi AND has Matt as a runner up. I’m flipped in regards to NuWho. Matt Smith with Capaldi Runner up (Was Tenant until my second full runthrough). If we’re counting Classic Who, nobody beats Patrick tho

my fav capaldi scene was when he was talking to fem master about doing the right thing. that speech gets me in the feels every time

Tenant followed be eccleston for me

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Someone unironically picking Eccleston when there’s at least 3 alternatives available is a new one for me. At this point, I’m just waiting for someone to have finished the series (well, up-to-date at that time) and still pick Eccleston in top. Once I do that, I’ll consider life fulfilled (Impossible)


Robocop, Total Recall, and Starship Troopers. Paul Verhoven FTW.


Watch all 6 seasons of the series “Breaking Bad” anyone age 18-55 should enjoy it


The more I rewatch it the more I appreciate eccelston.

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:100: but I’m not sure I’d ever list him as a favorite, but definitely held in high regard, considering he kickstarted the reboot based off the timeline of a movie from almost a decade ago. I will say, specifically, every rewatch garners more and more respect for him, nonetheless, I genuinely wish we got more of him.