Sibyl by Disyoyos?

Looks like an interesting yoyo. Any opinions on it would be appreciated

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I played a friend’s for about 2 hours last week to get a feel for it.
I love the Anima but this is a different animal. The Sibyl takes more time to click than the Anima did, at least for me. Not bad but signifies this model is unique. Plays quite differently than the Anima.

From what I recall, it had a similar feel to the a-rt Garret, which I love, but more exaggerated in a way. Potentially similar to what a 7075 Garret would play like.
A lot of heft but without that dense feeling on the string. The Garret is the first that comes to mind which shares this type of feel in play.
Difficult to nail down a comparison until mine arrives and I can put more time into the model.

The friend’s Sibyl had string I don’t care for nor use personally on it so that could also be negatively skewing my initial impression.

It’s received universal praise so you will most likely enjoy it. Everyone seems to be looking for it so you should not have difficulties reselling after the direct sale is over, if needed.


Sibyl is in my top 10 yo-yos of all time. I own 150+ yo-yos and have tried many more. Highly recommend


great yoyo, highly recommended, i am waiting for a polished version to drop before buying a second one

to expand on some playfeel notes I would say it’s extremely comfy in the hand, feels fun to play with a bit of bounce to it, extremely easy to control and I love the way it looks. There’s a little lack of stability and spintime as a tradeoff but imo a solid all rounder, and it’s nowhere near as bad as some of the more traditionally yoyos in this playfeel category.


Thanks for the input everyone! Now I’m seriously thinking of getting one

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I’ve been loving heftier yoyos recently so that sounds goooood

Gotta try the Garrett sometime too

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I played with one for 20mins so maybe it just wasnt enough time for it to click. I found it quite hefty and dense which I did not enjoy.

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Had it as a edc because of the durability and because playwise I never got tired of it. I dinged it couple of times and I decided to start keeping it at home, since I didnt want to destroy it. Durability wise its unmatched. Still its one of my most played and beloved throws. 100% recommend


That’s surprising, I thought the delrin rings would make it less durable and possibly cause vibe after being dinged

i’ve had them pop out after dinging it but just push em back in and good to go

but i also dont mind (almost prefer…) an 8/10 nail vibey throw i guess (after i have hit it hard enough to have the rings pop out, mind you, they come smooth :slight_smile: )