Show Your Reasoning!

I’ve been looking at posts on this board, and there’s something that really annoys me, and I’m sure a lot of other people. When somebody starts a thread asking a question about what yo-yo they should get, I FREQUENTLY see people simply say:

“Get a 888”

This is just an example, but this is what happens. They don’t give any reasoning behind why they should get it, they just say the name of the yo-yo. This doesn’t help the maker of the thread, and it just clogs the thread up. You don’t have to be incredibly elaborate, but simply give reasoning. If you want to recommend a yo-yo to get, then something like this would be much more appropriate:

“You should get an 888, it fits almost all of your preferences and it’s a great yo-yo!”

This is what I believe is the BARE MINIMUM. It’s even better to elaborate and give all the details about every single millimeter of the yo-yo and its play. So if you’re not even going to bother recommending a yo-yo, then take the time to write 10 more words and actually give them some good help!



i completely agree

Bump, I think more people should see this.

yea ive seen this around. some people will even just say: “Nah dont get that one it sucks”

Yeah that’s what I’m saying, there’s no reasoning behind anything half the time! (I’m not saying EVERYBODY does this, but a lot of people do!)

i think that when people ask for your thoughts behind the choice of a yoyo we shouldnt give them the preference fillout thing. i think we should tell them what yoyo to get,so that we actually answer the question they posted. and ive seen many topics like this and i think not enough people answer the question. most people say “its all preference” or they give the preference fillout. i for one would gladly answer the question they post. why do you need their preference. what if they want to play something different. if i told you my preference the yoyo that comes closest to it is a legacy. and if i had 40$ you guys would say to get a dm. i hope you guys see my reasoning behind this post.

I see your point, but the preference thing is pretty needed. If you just simply said “What yoyo should I get? I want something different from what I like,” then that would narrow it down from…every yoyo to every yoyo. If there is no information on what the person likes, nothing can be accurately recommended.

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