Show your rare and unusual yoyos and colorways

I was super stoked when I got this so of course I’m gonna show it off

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One of my favorites


Love that all black Viz!

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Vilmos Zoltan Kiss Cascade

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NIIICE dude. That is SO pretty!!

Digging through the old yoyo box… and this hasn’t seen the light in YEARS!

Dirty Girl colorway by Gruntbull on the semi rare and unique '09 round rim G5!


Love to get my hands on one of these

Nothing too fancy, but I found my old Losi Cherry Bomb from back in the day. Still in great condition, but man…throwing this compared to my N11 (just got back into it) is really weird considering this is 90’s yoyo tech. lol.

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My favorite yoyo. CLYW x Luftverk
AMS2488 Hardcoat Tundra

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Pretty sure there’s only going to be the one smallish run of this colorway.


My all time fave

Oh god I need that. Lol.

Yoyo Freaks yourmom had cool colors Imgur: The magic of the Internet



Sorry for the necro but couldn’t find a good thread for this. Saw this earlier from one of Frank’s ebay auctions and it’s probably the coolest throw I’ve ever seen. A zip fly and patriot were cut up and mashed together to make this beauty. It isn’t mine but who ever owns this has a real gem!


Probably my rarest colorway. Maple drip large bearing bassalope


Almost scooped this on ebay tbh. They only wanted 200$ on it…still tempted :sweat_smile:

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Saw this on ebay as well. A tomcat modified by Eric wolf to take wood shells.