It’s no. 70, probably my fav yo-yo when considering intangibles beyond only play/performance.
Very cool piece. I haven’t gotten to play one yet but I do love my TiVader.
Honestly play wise they’re basically identical, with the Vader just being a bit less prone to snags (though the Walker has a better finish for grinds).
Hey btw was just curious on which throw this is? I swear I recognise it but I’ve been racking my brain trying to figure it out.
Duncan GTR-JS?
Nope, there’s a GTR on the far right but this isn’t a Duncan throw that’s for sure
That is old version of Inevitable, from the early run
Haha im just trying to decipher the blurry engravings. One google search and I am wrong for sure.
That’s it! Thank you <3
That looks great! Where did you find the cases?
Yoyo sam, I painted them black because I thought it looked a lot better
That B&W Psychedelic Butterfly is awesome!
Love this shelf concept!