Show Off your RecRev Throws !!!!!

RecRev has been making amazing throws for years and are often overlooked but they scream amazing quality at very reasonable prices! They do happen to be a favorite company of mine. Everyone ive owned has been great and I happen to have a decent collection of them now. All amazing players that deserve love!

I have a Silly Goose, Sine//Saw, F(x), @, and two Freq. Wave

Lets see what RecRev’s you have!!! :slight_smile:

I have 3 freq waves, f(x), and an @… I hope to get a silly goose and sine//saw soon

Is that a Freq. Wave in the middle right? Whatever it is, it looks amazing!

Yup its a custom Powdercoated Freq. Wave I had done by Mullicabob! Still one of my favorites

Wow! A great colorway on a great throw!