Shandaku - Frontstyle Combo (1A)

Bryan Ybanez 2010

Hey guys,
This is just a frontstyle combo, that was featured in my first video “Sampler” , with added elements and sped it up a little. Enjoy!

(** When I say ‘sped it up’ I was referring to the trick and not the video itself! **)

Best Regards,
Bryan Ybanez

Player: Bryan Ybanez
Song: The Reeling - Passion Pit
Yoyo: Yoyofactory Undeniable Genesis

If you have any questions about anything, please feel free to PM me.

Vimeo version is up, for those who prefer it!

1 Like

nice i like it :o :o

Thanks for the kind words! :slight_smile:

Very good frontstyle combo, very smooth. I hope to be that smooth and fast with my tricks someday.

WOW ! Incredible. A beastly combo ! :o

Sick combo :o

Great fronstyle combo! :wink: Waaaay better than what I could do. :slight_smile: