I have been on and off trying for weeks with no luck. Its driving me crazy. CAN IT BE DONE? if so please post proof I need to see it so I can sleep at night… Thank you
Im not satisfied. The only time you see it spin on his finger he doesnt show his throw. It just a cut too. Dude is rad though. But thank you for showing me this it does inspire some hope. . . just a little.
I can fingerspin my Sherpa with a slim bearing. It’s harder then your typic yoyo but you can do it for sure.
Totally possible just kinda trickyy
Btw I’m selling this one on my bst thread, shameless self promotion
(Also pretend I nailed the bind lol I haven’t fingerspun anything in a fat minute)
You missed a bind? What bind?
Lol true it’s not even there!!
It’s easier if you pull-start it already on your finger.
hold my beer.
(kidding i don’t own a sherpa. also we are out of beer.)
Just look at @YoYoExpertEric avatar.
Wanna buy mine Ed?!? Lol I had a hold my beer moment when I saw the thread pop up.
That Sharia fingerspin is cool.
Next level would be doing it on a KNack!
Lol I once tried to do it on an OUT… and a No Jive lol.
I love where this thread is going. People landing the impossible of fingerspins
Nailed it today! Man its crazy how you can try a trick over and over with no luck. Then one day finally hit it and now I’m nailing them back to back. It just takes alot more finesse than a normal yoyo and you have to gently pop it straight up horizontally.